Techweek Chicago

June 29, 2015

Last week, we had the honor of representing Supply Clinic at Techweek Chicago.

By 10AM on Thursday, our table was adorned with all sorts of dental supplies, from impression trays to face masks to OAP Cleaner. And we had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of attendees. Some weren't too interested in the dental supply market, but many were intrigued by Supply Clinic and its ability to bring a true marketplace to a broken system. The healthcare supply chain needs an overhaul, and our visitors recognized that. And everyone who stopped by our booth (we hope) had dentists.

Those of us who could make it out of the office had an absolute blast. Techweek Chicago was a total cacophony, noisy and crowded and hard to navigate. The Wi-Fi worked, sort of, and loose wires were all taped down, sort of, with moustache tape. The line to register was long, the line for drinks was even longer. In short, it was the quintessential tech event.

It wasn’t quite a dental conference; there were no gratis toothbrushes or business cards in cases with floss. The robotics demos didn’t involve pulling out teeth, and Crest wasn’t one of the big sponsors. But hey, any event with free Red Bull and orzo samples is top-notch in my book.

Techweek Chicago, we hope to be back next year!



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